011: The Pharmacy Enterprise career development connector life blog connectorability pharmacy strategy
The term pharmacy enterprise encompasses the concept that pharmacy was much bigger and more important to the success of our health systems than the...
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CONNECTORx CORNERx: 004 - 2023-01-17 career development connector corner pharmacy

CONNECTORx CORNERx Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter: Pharmacy Conferences, Q1 Plan, Spontaneous Activities 

PHARMACY STRATEGY: Pharmacy Conferences

 You may know that...

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CONNECTORx CORNERx: 003 - 2023-01-10 career development connector corner pharmacy strategy

CONNECTORx CORNERx Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter: Float Pools, Annual Plan, Family Word of the Year


I was reminded recently of the...

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CONNECTORx CORNERx: 002 - 2022-12-20 career development connector corner pharmacy

CONNECTORx CORNERx Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter: System Business Plans, Reflection, Reward Yourself 

PHARMACY STRATEGY:   System Business Plans

The easiest...

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CONNECTORx CORNERx: 001 - 2022-12-13 career development connector corner pharmacy

CONNECTORx CORNERx Pharmacy Strategy & Career Development Newsletter: International Pharmacy Practice, Career Portfolio, Gift Experiences 

PHARMACY STRATEGY:   International...

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014: Strategic Planning • Strategies to Tactics career development connector life blog connectorability pharmacy strategy
Strategic Planning • Strategies to Tactics

Strategic planning is a critical step or dot, as I like to say, as we connect the dots from Mission to Execution. 

The strategic plan is your...

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013: Strategic Planning • Situational Analysis career development connector life blog connectorability pharmacy productivity strategy
Strategic Planning • Situational Analysis

Strategic planning is a critical step or dot, as I like to say, as we connect the dots from Mission to Execution.  The...

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012: Connect the Dots • Strategy to Execution career development connector life blog connectorability pharmacy strategy
Connect the Dots • Strategy to Execution

Strategic execution occurs when you connect the dots from your mission and vision through your strategic and tactical plan ultimately leading to...

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010: Mindset • The Right Attitude career development connector connector life blog personal development pharmacy
Mindset • The Right Attitude

In today's blog we will discuss Mindset and the importance of the right attitude.

Have you seen people who don’t have the right attitude?  They...

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009: Innovation • Skill & Habit career development connector life blog innovation pharmacy strategy
Innovation • Skill & Habit

Developing your innovation skill and making it a habit is critical to your success.

Are you an innovator?  Are you frustrated by others who should be...

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008: Annual Plan • Map Your Year career development connector connector life blog personal development productivity strategy
Annual Plan • Map Your Year

Today in the Connector Life we will discuss Annual Plans - Mapping Your Year in 5 Steps.

You are a successful person. Yet, I am sure you still people who appear to...

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007: Reflection • Year In Review career development connector connector life blog personal development

Reflection • Year In Review

Do you ever finish a day or a week and wonder what you accomplished?   How about for an entire year? 

This has definitely happened to me and I have found...

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