Dots 026: Grit connector dots

CONNECTOR DOTS - Grit - Mindset Monday

Do you have grit? Do you think it is something you can learn or master? How can grit help you manage in a crisis?
Today during Mindset Monday we...
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Dots 025: Connector Assessment connector dots

CONNECTOR DOTS - Connector Assessment - Wisdom Wednesday

Do you think you are a Connector? A connector is an expert at connecting and uniting people, knowledge, and resources and their success...
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Dots 024: Accountable connector dots

CONNECTOR DOTS - Accountable - Mindset Monday

What are you accountable for? Are pharmacists accountable for medications? Are you accountable for the entire medication use process in your...
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Dots 023: Community Volunteering connector dots

CONNECTOR DOTS - Community Volunteering for a Connector Life - Wisdom Wednesday 

How is your life balance in the area of Community? Are you actively volunteering?
Welcome to CONNECTOR DOTS...
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Dots 022: Growth Mindset connector dots

CONNECTOR DOTS - Growth Mindset - Mindset Monday

Do you believe you can change a fixed mindset to a growth mindset? Have you seen people who don’t have the right attitude? They complain and...
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Dots 021: Pharmacy Technicians & Interns Authorized for Vaccines and Tests connector dots

CONNECTOR DOTS - Pharmacy Technicians & Interns Authorized for Vaccines and Tests - Pharmovation Friday 

What is one role you have you have wished pharmacy technician could do? Well, one...
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Dots 020: Bold • Provocateur connector dots

CONNECTOR DOTS - Bold • Provocateur Leadership Thursday

Are you a bold leader - maybe you are the boldest provocateur?
Welcome to CONNECTOR DOTS - brief, candid insights on healthcare,...
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Dots 019: Pharmacy Technicians Career connector dots

CONNECTOR DOTS - Pharmacy Technician Career

Happy #RxTechDay! I am sending a huge shout-out to the pharmacy technicians on our teams. Thanks for all your hard work and contribution to patient...

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Dots 018: Pharmovation Framework connector dots

CONNECTOR DOTS - Pharmovation Framework - Pharmovation Friday

Are you a pharmovator - bringing innovation to Pharmacy practice?
Welcome to CONNECTOR DOTS - brief, candid insights on healthcare,...
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Dots 017: Professional Organizations connector dots

CONNECTOR DOTS - Professional Organizations- Leadership Thursday

Are you a member of a state or national professional organization? Are you a volunteer leader in one of these organizations?
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Dots 016: Mindset Habit connector dots

CONNECTOR DOTS - Mindset Habit - Mindset Monday

Do you believe you can change your mindset and make it a habit? You may be surprised by the answer.
Welcome to CONNECTOR DOTS - brief,...
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Dots 015: Capacity Analysis connector dots

Do you have enough resources? Are you trying to do more with less? Are you getting burned out or falling behind?

Today during Pharmovation Friday we will explore how to assess your FTEs for a...
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