Dots 018: Pharmovation Framework

connector dots

CONNECTOR DOTS - Pharmovation Framework - Pharmovation Friday

Are you a pharmovator - bringing innovation to Pharmacy practice?
Welcome to CONNECTOR DOTS - brief, candid insights on healthcare, pharmacy and life for connectors and pharmovators.
Today during Pharmovation Friday we will explore the why behind the Pharmovation Program Framework.
Pharmovation is the only implementation program of its kind that not only shows you exactly what to do to accelerate your career, advocate for resources, but ultimately how to advance pharmacy practice to bring joy to your work and improve patient outcomes.
I am your host Kimber Boothe and I am a Strategic Pharmacy Coach and Consultant. I am a pharmacist, healthcare leader and entrepreneur. I help pharmacists strategically advocate for roles and resources to advance pharmacy practice and have joyful engaging careers.
Key Points
There are so many potential management and leadership topics that could be covered.
In designing the Pharmovation Program, I really took time and worked with other leaders and prospective students to confirm the key topics and competencies to bring you rapid success. Of course I have also created the worksheets which will allow you to immediately apply what you are learning.
All topics are grounded with Innovation and Intrapreneurship competencies which led to the name Pharmovation.
Because of the foundation of innovation, I have created the framework with idea bubbles.
- Part 1 Innovate Practice:
○ Advocate for Resources
○ Advance Practice
Module 1 Pharmovation FRAMEWORK
Module 2 Pharmovation ENTERPRISE
Module 3 Pharmovation STRATEGY
Module 4 Pharmovation SERVICES
Module 5 Pharmovation TECHNOLOGY
- Part 2 Innovate Yourself:
○ Accelerate Your Career
Module 6 Pharmovation LEADERSHIP
Module 7 Pharmovation DEVELOPMENT
Module 8 Pharmovation EXECUTION
Pharmovation MINDSET
Join the free Pharmovator Facebook group at A new community for pharmacy innovators!
Be Bold, Be a Connector, Advance Healthcare and Pharmacy Practice
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